Today's Existential Dilemma: Should One Consider Edible Underwear "Food"?


“Everything is sold as novelty. Everything in the box says ‘novelty item’ only… It’s not something you sit down and actually eat. It’s more for licking and tasting. Edible? No. It’s not going to fill you up.”
—”Sensual products” store owner Rosemary Benitez, who was surprised by the San Antonio Department Of Sanitarian Services’ assertion that in order to sell erotic products that were meant to be consumed by humans (like the Red Laces bikini bottoms above), she had to acquire a food permit for her store and open it up to health inspections. In response to Benitez’s complaint, a San Antonio higher-up retorted: “One, it’s the law. Two, in case there’s a recall, we certainly want to know the source.” And three, getting licensed allows the store to set up a deli counter and make bacon bras and briefs that are custom-fit! [Via / Pic via]