The Unintended Consequences Of Full-Body Scanners: Penis Jokes, Paranoia

see right through you

“Imagine if this was a woman being teased about her body in this story? This would be all over Operah and people would be flipping out. But because its a man the teasing is ok? He did the only thing any man is tought to do when teased. Fight.”
The comments on this story about a Miami International Airport worker who beat a co-worker with a baton and forced him to apologize for a year of jokes about the size of his penis occasioned by his trying out one of those newfangled full-body scanners are pretty heated! Admittedly, the story is written from the perspective of “ha ha look at this guy trying to overcompensate for his NOT ALL THAT SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE” and thus designed for maximum pageview-provocation, but this is one of those “reader feedback” sections that has it all. (Including the phrase “the IQ of mayonnaise”!)