Some People In Some States Voted Yesterday

End of the road

There was politics last night! In Pennsylvania, party-switching career politician Arlen Specter saw his career end in a Democratic primary loss to Rep. Joe Sestak, marking the first time Pennsylvania Democrats were able to beat Specter statewide. In Kentucky, Rand “Son of Ron” Paul beat the establishment candidate in the Republican Senate primary, proving that the Tea Party movement “is huge,” and not too crazy for Kentucky Republicans. In Arkansas, incumbent Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln was forced into a run-off with Lt. Gov. Bill Halter in what an Arkansas paper adorably thinks is “one of the most closely watched Senate races in the nation.” It was, everybody agrees, a bad night for incumbents and a sign that America is fed up with blah blah blah etc. (Of course Dems in Pennsylvania were able to hold on to the late Jack Murtha’s seat, a feat which Politico suggests “casts serious doubt on the idea that the Democratic House majority is in jeopardy and offers comfort to a Democratic Party that is desperately in search of a glimmer of hope,” but that messes with the narrative, so let’s not go too crazy.) Anyway, it all means something, and will continue to do so until the next thing happens, at which point it might mean something else. Politics!