Justin Bieber Fans Will Always Find A Way To Get Their Man (Into Twitter's Trending Topics List)

it's like a helmet of hair

Over the weekend, the microblogging service Twitter changed its “trending topics” feature to focus on terms that were “the hottest emerging trends and topics of discussion”, a la Google Trends, as opposed to those words that were steadily appearing a lot on the service. This would seem to be one way to break the trending-topic domination of the windswept Canadian heartthrob Justin Bieber, who has been a steady presence on said list since before the first of this year thanks to his talent at whipping up his very devoted fanbase. “WOW,” Bieber said (via Twitter, of course) upon hearing the news — it’s unknown if the “wow” was a peeved one or a personally amazed one, thanks to the subtleties that are lost when official statements are distilled from 140 characters to three. But a grass-roots movement took that all-caps amazement as a call to action: There are now two brand-new terms, coined by unnamed sufferers of what has been catchily named “Bieber Fever,” that have returned Bieber to his rightful place on the Twitter homepage’s right-hand rail: Twieber and Jieber. Taunting them just makes them grow stronger, Internet!