Awfulness Of Britain Collected In One Simple Location

Putting the knife in Knifecrime Island

With two days left before voters head to the polls in The Race To Run Knifecrime Island, Rupert Murdoch’s Sun, which is desperate to see David Cameron and the Conservative party take office with a working majority, has published a package of the terrible stories showing how Britain has become a hellhole from which there is no escape during the 13 years of Labour rule. “The Dossier That Shames Labour” is actually worth examining, because it shows exactly what that country’s papers are good at: scaremongering and sensationalism. It’s all there: the failures of the NHS (722 objects left inside patients after surgery in one year!), the handout economy (1 in 4 Britons do no paid work!), and, of course, the knife crime (knife crime!). Presumably this will all change under a Conservative government. I’m particularly hopeful in the area of education, because no one wants to see another horror story like the one the Sun runs today about the nightmare of the naive student who stripped to pay for university.