Associated Press Leads Brave Crusade Against Menus With Too Many Numbers On Them

Is there too much information on menus at fast-food chains and casual-dining restaurants, which are thanks to various government additions evermore laden with calorie counts and sodium counts and fat gram numbers and math and even more math? Maybe, given that the information presented might not always provide the full picture, thus lulling one into a false state of security about, say, a 545-calorie entree that is loaded with enough salt to preserve a full side of pork. Or maybe not, since: “People who order Burger King’s Triple Whopper with Cheese (1,250 calories) or Taco Bell’s Volcano Nachos (1,000 calories) probably understand that it is not health food”! Somehow this story did not find someone contrarian enough to argue that the Triple-Whopper-scarfing masses read the calorie counts as rewards points for consuming fattening food, and are actually gorging themselves in hope of being as well-known as famed glutton Guy Fieri, but perhaps the reporter was on a deadline.