7 Things To Expect When Getting off Zoloft

by Sean McNally


Many patients will find after a course of treatment that they are ready to stop taking Zoloft® (sertraline HCl), or that Zoloft may be contraindicated for a new medication. What follows is a list of common side effects of Zoloft withdrawal in their usual order of appearance over time, to allow doctors and their patients to be aware of the implications.

1. Disconsolate or self-disparaging thoughts; feelings of hopelessness

2. Stomach cramping; nausea

3. Insomnia; body fatigue; lightheadedness

4. Migraine headaches

5. Extra sensory perception; sharpening of memory

6. Fugue reactions accompanied by compulsion to return to Witch Mountain

7. Glorgmagog; hot triangle; Kenneth????; green triangle; HOT SQUARE; flower triangle.


Related: The 32 Possible Side Effects of Using CHANTIX, a Non-Nicotine Prescription Medicine Specifically Developed to Help Adults 18 and Over Quit Smoking, In Order

Sean McNally leads a blameless life and is innocent of all wrongdoing.