Translated: Israelis Confront Attack of Space Plastic!

The burning object that fell from the sky, through a surf board and onto a Tel Aviv beach Saturday is not a meteorite, as was originally thought. “It is plastic or silicon,” said Dr. Diana Laufer, of the Geophysics and Planetary Sciences Department of Tel Aviv University, who examined the object after police brought it to her house. (Which seems kind of odd, but anyway…) “Perhaps it is part of an airplane or a satellite, or it’s part of a flare. I do not know. But it certainly is not from space.” Whatever it was, it was very, very hot. I asked an Israeli friend to translate the voices in the cellphone video one of the surfers made after the thing landed.

Here’s what he said is being said:

“I don’t want a hundred thousand of these to fall!”

“You should throw it to the water.”

“I don’t want to throw it to the water.”

“It fell from the sky… this fell from the sky and lit up.”

“What a riot! So help me God. What a riot. So help me god. It fell from the sky and lit up!”

“Oh my God, it melts the shells! Wow, it might be volcanic ash.”

“Look at its melting ability.”

“It fell from the sky.”

“Must be from a plane.”

“Don’t touch it… look at its melting ability! It’s 180 degrees! What a riot. What a riot.”