The Peanut Butter And Bacon Burger: Putting A Heart Attack On A Plate Into Your Hand

it only LOOKS like cheese

Exhibiting the same sort of culinary restraint that it shows with its frozen custard flavors, New York’s Shake Shack has introduced a $5.50 peanut butter bacon burger that pretty much is what it sounds like, i.e., a burger topped with lots of thick bacon and a healthy schmear of peanut butter. Whether or not this invention was necessary or (more importantly) is breaking any new ground in consolidating fat and salt and general tastebud-aimed decadence into one messy sandwich is up for debate. Although honestly, one would think that Shake Shack would be wise enough to realize that the Internet Bacon Fetishism trend was pretty much driven into the ground by Colonel Sanders two weeks ago. Also, note that the burger experts at A Hamburger Today note that “the beef is barely noticeable” and suggest that it be swapped out in favor of bananas. I know the Elvis connection, but come on, bananas?! Why, those are almost healthy! What’s next, suggesting that the buns be whole grain?