The Magic 8 Ball Movie Hollywood Has In Development Will Probably Not Be As Inventive As The Magic...

The Magic 8 Ball Movie Hollywood Has In Development Will Probably Not Be As Inventive As The Magic 8 Ball Movie You And Your Friends Dreamed Up In Third Grade

jokes that illustrate themselves dept.

The Magic 8 Ball — the plastic fortune teller that used to liven up slumber parties with its suspended-in-liquid predictions of the future — will be the basis for a live-action film thanks to a freshly struck deal between Mattel, which manufactures the ball, and Paramount. Every time I try to think of a joke to pair with this piece of news, my brain says, “REPLY HAZY, TRY AGAIN.” Because what else can you say, really? Except “OK, I give up. You win, world”? [Pic via]