Sexy Librarian Survey From 18 Years Ago Shows Just How Far (?) We've Come


The amazing thing about the 1992 survey of librarians’ attitudes toward sex that got its author, Will Manley, fired from his job at Wilson Library Bulletin is how absolutely chaste it is by 2010’s sullied standards! A few sample answers:

• “38% of the female respondents indicated that if there were a nuclear war and PeeWee Herman was the only man on earth to survive, they would have sex with him in order to propagate the species.”
• “72% of the respondents said they would not let a candidate’s sex life influence their vote in an election for President.”
• “51 % of the respondents would pose nude in Playboy, Playgirl, or Playguy [R.I.P.] for all the money in Fort Knox; 24% said they would do it for $1million.”

It almost seems quaint that only 24% of people would take off their clothes for all to see for a million dollars — which, let’s remember, was a lot more money in those days! Now, all it takes is the promise of fame on a crowdsourced Tumblr and maybe an e-mail afterwards.