Refried Bean Swastika-Painting Aliens with Mops and Shears are Trespassing in Your Lawns and...

Refried Bean Swastika-Painting Aliens with Mops and Shears are Trespassing in Your Lawns and Kitchens


“An employer shall not intentionally employ an unauthorized alien,” nor shall anyone ever let one in his car, or it’s curtains for you in the great state of Arizona. This is GREAT NEWS for job creation, as the hundreds of thousands of jobs performed by “aliens” shall now be performed by AMERICAN CITIZENS. Hooray! This will happen because the non-citizens can’t go anywhere now: it’s trespassing for a non-citizen to be on any “public or private” lands. (Trespassing to paint REFRIED BEAN SWASTIKAS on government offices!) This really puts a lot of fine Fox News-watching people in a tricky place when they want to eat tomatoes or have their children washed or their house cleaned and/or built, but they’ll work it out, and we’re looking forward to how it feels, living in a world where everyone off-white now has to carry identity papers at all times.