Local Gossip Columnist Finds The Pen To Be Mightier Than The Online Personal Ad
What exactly is News gossipmonger Joanna Molloy trying to do with her bizarre screed on how she could never even think of sleeping with many-times-married CNN yakmeister Larry King, even as she spends 564 words doing exactly that? Is it misguided satire of the way ladies’ sexuality is brushed under the rug as they age? Did a slightly tepid item on some D-lister fall through at the last minute? Is she engaging in an extended troll for incisive comments like “Larry’s already dreaming of his next wedding cake,it doesn’t matter to him what the bride looks like,he love’s that wedding cake !”? Or is this some weird attempt to play hard to get in front of an audience — and make off with the cash she mentions over and over again in the piece? If it’s the latter, well, hats off to you, lady.