Hungary Is A "Grubby Hive Of Nationalism," According To Eloquent German Editorialist


“Twenty years after the end of the collectivist dictatorship, Hungary has turned into a grubby hive of nationalism in which far-right blood and soil ideologies are flourishing, pseudo-democrats are hailing the glorious history of the Magyars and militant racists are fighting against an allegedly ‘overflowing’ number of foreigners and ethnic minorities living in the country by parading around the streets with machetes and Molotov cocktails.”
Der Spiegel

translates an essay from German paper Die Tageszeitung about the far-right Jobbik party’s strong showing in the Hungarian elections that took place on Sunday. Elsewhere in Die Tageszeitung, there’s a picture of former German prime minister Helmut Kohl holding a white cabbage wrapped up like a birthday present in German-flag ribbons, a review of the new Erykah Badu album ends with the question, “Miss Black President?” and the new MGMT album is described as a “psychedelisches picknick.”