David Remnick: The Poem

Builds toys for orphans in his spare time

I learned a lot about New Yorker editor/Barack Obama biographer/S. I. Newhouse Jr. on-record compliment recipient David Remnick in today’s Times profile. In fact, so moved was I by this piece and its appreciation of what appears to be the most beloved man in the industry that I decided it merited a poem. Would you like to read it? I bet you would!

David Remnick: American Giant

David Remnick writes and edits
In his spare time he reports
Those are just three of his credits
He’s got talents of all sorts

David Remnick trimmed his budget
Saved his staff from major cuts
He’s a hero-let’s not fudge it-
A mensch! This ain’t some Conde putz

David Remnick, unpretentious,
Skips the Conde bigwig haunts
Takes the subway, shuns the limelight
Eats at average restaurants

David Remnick’s sole frustration
Comes from overheated prose
He won’t sleep or take vacation
Ask his wife! She really knows

David Remnick soothes his writers
Treats each one with charm and grace
If you are in town on business
You can stay at David’s place

David Remnick walks on water
Which should come as no surprise
Raise your head and look above you
David Remnick even flies