Are Newborn Babies The Cutest Thing In The World?

The first thing they teach you in Internet School is “babies or boobies,” i.e., showing either one of those is a surefire way to manipulate traffic. (The second thing they teach you is “8 Ways To Write A Headline”). Because I am a rebel who plays by his own rules and won’t be bound by the strictures that force others to serve the cruel master that is SEO, I don’t really care that much about either of those lessons, but I will say this: Babies are freaking adorable, and some days you just want to share images of them, even if putting them in a post does seem like a tawdry way to maximize pageviews. So here’s a “Today Show” thing about two sisters in Nebraska who make a living by taking pictures of newborns. It is pretty much porn for your ovaries. (Or at least the first 2:10 is, after that it gets all interviewy.) Babies! So cute!