When NYC Kills, It Very Rarely Gets the Jerks

There are few worse things than the ol’ “Really Nice Guy Killed by Coming to New York City” stories. This is one of the worst ever, about a kid from Jersey. Let’s mash the Daily News and the NY Post: “[24-year-old] Connor [Donohue], jokingly nicknamed ‘Con Man’ by friends and family, had just started a job at SingleStop USA, a nonprofit helping the poor…. Until last month, Donohue worked as dean of students for Prep for Prep, a nonprofit Manhattan group that identifies promising minority students and prepares them for private school. He fell from his building at 8:30 a.m. Sunday, hitting a tree and then the sidewalk. A portion of his balcony’s iron railing was ‘loose and damaged,’ DOB determined. Further, DOB had cited building manager Pan Am Equities in December 2008 for violating a city law requiring landlords to hire private inspectors to check balconies every five years.”