Just Random Folks, Protecting 'Fortress America'


We have GOT to get jobs as overseas government contractors. The improbably named Triple Canopy-are we still sure that’s not some artsy Silicon Alley startup?-has the contract to guard the US Embassy in Iraq, writes Spencer Ackerman, whipping out a damning in-house State Dept. report on our pals over there. They don’t send the Delta Force boys for this-I mean, you’re not even required to be proficient in English, which is awesome, as I am not. And? “The contracting officer’s representative in Baghdad does not verify either the guards’ attendance at their posts or the accuracy of personnel rosters (muster sheets) before they are submitted, to ensure contractor charges for labor are accurate…. [The State Dept’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security] lacks standards for maintaining training records. As a result, Triple Canopy’s training records are incomplete and in disparate locations making it difficult for the Bureau to verify whether all personnel have received required training.” You don’t say! I actually would love to know more about the process of hiring folks from Central America and shipping them to Iraq as inexperienced contractors. I bet these people have amazing life stories. And what’s the deal on April 15? Do they get 1099s or what? Do they all get together and use Turbotax?