Join The Official Awl NCAA Tournament Bracket! (Seriously)

Let's go Wake!

That’s right hoops (that’s slang for basketball) fans, it’s March and it’s about time we go mad for it! At the suggestion of one of our loyal readers, I have created a group on ESPN and have forced both Choire and Alex to fill out a bracket, much to their chagrin (and, in Choire’s case, total bafflement, followed by blind guessing), and now it’s your turn-to fill out a bracket. But wait, we’re not just playing for pride and bragging rights here.

Here are the details and instructions.

1) Go to our ESPN group page, join our group, create a bracket, and pick the teams you think will win!

1a) Make sure that you do this before tomorrow at 12:20pm when all of the brackets officially lock!

2) Watch the tournament unfold! Stay tuned for updates about how you sports enthusiasts (!?) are performing within our group!

3) And if you win, you may choose two of your favorite Jock Jams CDs from here (I’d recommend Jock Jams Vol. 2, it’s a great blend of 90’s R&B; and great sports anthems, like ‘This Is How We Do It’ and Reel 2 Real’s ‘I Like To Move It’) and we will have them purchased and sent to you!

Could this be any easier? No! It could not! So go do it!

Contest void where prohibited by law etc., etc. disclaimer, disclaimer, you know the drill.