Barbara Boxer Is Basically A Tea Bagger Now So Whatya Gonna Do, Carly Fiorina?


Nutty iCarly Carleton Sneed Fiorina, she of the demon sheep, is coming hot and heavy for Barb Boxer in the upcoming California Senate race. BUT NOW here is The Box giving the people what they want: TAX AND/OR KILL THE BANKERS! (Mostly tax.) She and Jim Webb have proposed a new 50% tax on all bonuses, under the newspeak name of the Taxpayer Fairness Act, introduced today, and now the Republicans have to come out… in favor… of FAT CAT WALL STREET BONUS SEASON. Do watch Rachel Maddow tonight for extra giggling about how the Republicrats have to turn their backs on MAIN STREET thanks to their (probably Jewish) WALL STREET backers.