The Snow Persists, But It Ultimately Means Nothing


WEATHER UPDATE: Consider the snowflake. It is said to be unique in formation. It falls, and either makes contact with the pavement and leaves no impression or manages to somehow stick about for a bit. Whether it immediately dissolves or is eventually shoveled away into an undignified pile with its surviving brethren-no two of whom are alike, remember-its eventual fate is to fade into the ether, traceless and forgotten. Soon enough, more snow falls, and the snowflake that fell earlier is not even a memory, not even part of an accretion of memories. In spite of its singularity, it fell, it disappeared, and the world continued to spin. We human beings are a lot like snowflakes: We believe in our own uniqueness, we yearn to leave our marks, and our inevitable ends are proof that all is meaningless and we are essentially unnecessary. Anyway, the current wintry mix will revert to pure snow later this evening. There’s some serious slush on the sidewalks right now, so be careful. I wouldn’t want you to slip as you make your way to your empty home and pointless existence.