Thanks to Susan Miller, Rich People Have Secret Window Into Future


“Last fall, when the designer Cynthia Rowley, a Leo, emailed Ms. Miller to invite her to her show, the astrologer convinced her to change the date, which was astrologically ‘dreadful.’ (‘Who can argue with Susan Miller?’ Ms. Rowley emailed The Observer.) Recently, Elle creative director Joe Zee, a Sagittarius, was cautioned in his forecast to be careful about retaining flood insurance. Not long afterward, ‘I had a leak in my roof and my kitchen flooded,’ he said.” Astrologer Susan Miller, described herein as ‘startlingly sane’ (maaayybe), will tell you for $500 that you should get flood insurance. She also gets great reviews from everyone I know that’s seen her, to be fair. So I gave her website a whirl!

I turned, of course, to her Vacation Guide for Scorpio.

Your idea of a terrific vacation is one that gives you ultimate privacy in a beautiful, soothing setting.

Oh my God, it’s like she’s inside my brain pan.

Pluto, your ruler, gives you a strong penchant for seclusion, and the fact that you are a water sign suggests you might enjoy a cottage at a beautiful seashore far from maddening crowds.


Ideal places might include Prince Edward Island, the shoreline of Maine, Newport, Rhode Island, the Hawaiian Islands, an Adirondack camp, or the Florida Keys — all places to read, fish, kick back and work hard on not working at all.


Or, you might consider a cruise to the Greek Islands or through the Mediterranean, if not on a private yacht, then on an exclusive cruise that will cater to your every need.

Yes. I would absolutely consider that.

I give her advice an A++!