Rick Lazio: Leave David Paterson Alone!


This is a weird chapter in New York state politics! Just like the previous eighteen weird chapters. You know, there’s the chapter where some politicians changed parties for a while and brought Albany to a complete halt and also of course The Chapter About The Face-Slasher, who may or may not be expelled from the Senate today. Now we have lonely Rick Lazio, the Republican contender for Governor, who has written a letter to the Times demanding that the paper immediately publish its forthcoming David Paterson story, which may or may not be about anything at all! (Sidenote: It’s about something, as far as we know, but you know, who cares any more? Also? Paterson is saying “There is no story!” Meanwhile, his semi-defenders at the Post still write today: “Sources said Paterson plans to meet today with the paper’s editors and reporters in hopes of heading off a damaging story.” Heh?) So what have we all learned from this? All we’ve learned that Rick Lazio isn’t all that bright.