Narcissist Knows Research Is All About Him

A study in awesomeness

Admit it, you like me. You like me a lot. What is it about me that you like? Oh, pretty much everything: my oversize self-confidence, my relentless charm, the way I get so worked up and passionate about things-even my deep despair, and my belief that no one hurts, no one really feels sorrow, the way I do. You can’t help it, you’re drawn to me. And that’s fine, because I am pretty fascinating. Unfortunately, new research shows that eventually you’ll tire of me. Just like all the others, your initial adoration will give way to exhaustion and disdain for the way everything I do is somehow centered around me. (Why shouldn’t it be? I’m amazing!) It’s a sorry state of affairs, and I’ll be sad to see you go, but you know what? I’m fucking awesome. I’ll make new friends. Because people cannot get enough of me. Anyway, that’s my takeaway from this report, which was pretty clearly written with me in mind.