I Am Proud To Live In A World Where We Can Watch Dinosaurs Fucking

This is gonna look so much hotter in CGI

I don’t know what you guys have planned for Valentine’s Day, but I am going to be parked in front of my TV in rapt attention to what is sure to be the most amazing program of the year. Let’s get some of that press release action!

This Valentine’s Day, February 14th at 10pm ET/PT on Discovery Channel, Locomotive Entertainment Group will premiere Tyrannosaurus Sex. The one-hour special explores the mysteries, wonders and newest evidence surrounding ritual courtship and mating habits of dinosaurs. How did a ferocious T-Rex woo his lady? How did a female Titanosaur support the weight of a male who was as long as a four-story building is high? How did a Stegosaurus couple negotiate sex with all those deadly plates and spikes?…

Tyrannosaurus Sex doesn’t just answer the questions, it shows dinosaur sex in all its glory with state-of-the-art CGI animation. The scenes created for the special are all based on fact. Interviews with scientists on the cutting-edge of palaeontology bring new life to one of the last mysteries of these mighty giants.

Normally I would liveblog this for you but, given my ever-expanding frame and rapidly approaching date with extinction, I think it probably more important that I take notes. I hope they cover blowjobs!