Fair Notice: Some Visual Changes Coming!


Oh, hello there. We come to announce some changes are ahead. The sort of changes regarding which the vast majority of you will not give a fruity fig. But our watchword is “always inform! Always disclose!” in these parts, and, so: there is a very good chance that this website will look a bit different tomorrow. You are welcome to read on if you are interested.

In short: we’re rebranding as a newly wholly-owned subsidiary of Cat Fancy magazine.

Okay, we are not, but wouldn’t that be awesome? I WOULD ENJOY.

For real, though, we are making some visual changes. This is what they call, in the professional industry, a “redesign,” I think! (I don’t really know what goes on in the professional industry, it turns out.)

There are at least two whole benefits here.

1. Individual entries, and the front page as well, will be much more legible, in my opinion. This is for the benefit of people who like to read things! There will be space and room for big pretty pictures also and, like, room to breathe. There should also be easier commenting interfacing and the like, for the kids that like the Internets.

2. We’re also making room for our publisher-friend David Cho to sell some ads. Yes, there will be a relaunch sponsor. You know why? Because we are getting closer to our dream of doing something called “paying writers.” I know that you guys are really into that particular endeavor, so thanks for being supportive in this regard. (Check back, um, soonish. Did you know that the average time window in which most folks pay for their advertising is like, net 240 days? I didn’t either! That is the biz, my friends. The real world? We are happy just to live in it.)

Oh, and, 3. Alex Balk finally had a slight meat-related stroke and so he won’t be blogging quite as coherently starting tomorrow, but that’s okay. Probably for the best and all.

To sum up: the same ol’ website, with a little bit of shininess, and a bit worse array of word choices from Alex.


Also we reserve the right to launch this redesign later in case tonight’s late-night/early-morning deployment goes into the crapper. Anyway, see you before that, during LOST. Please have completed your assigned Thorstein Veblen readings beforehand.