Military Finally Acknowledges Own Vet Policy Due To Suing


All those vets who were denied disability payments for a PTSD diagnosis between 2002 and 2008? They are now allowed, at last, to join a class action suit, which also entitles them to an expedited review of their disability claims. (Many of the 4300 veterans diagnosed with PTSD in that window weren’t “rated” properly-the rating is what allows you to qualify as disabled, and therefore receive benefits-even as the government’s own directives said that a diagnosis of PTSD must automatically rate people well beyond the threshold to qualify as disabled.) That this even had to go through an involved court process is a scandal. RELATED: McCain heckler and Iraq Veterans Against the War member Adam Kokesh, who is running for Congress in New Mexico, is releasing his iPhone app today! If it has a Grindr component, that is great news. (Kidding!) Um, also he is strongly anti-choice and pro-immigration amnesty and has a lot of opinions about the Federal Reserve System. It is very confusing to know where to be with him.