It's 2010 and the Narcissist Warblogger Hysteria Still Rages


It’s amusing watching people flip out about the New York Times article on the weblog Little Green Footballs and its proprietor, Charles Johnson. (For those who have lives, LGF was pretty insanely right-wing, or at least, crazy, and now is sort of moderate, I guess.) “Chuckie is getting mainstream coverage when his influence and his traffic are guttersnipe low,” writes birth-certificate-questioning Pamela Geller at her blog, Atlas Shrugs. Oh really.

While LGF has definitely shed (presumably) conservative readers over the last two years, and certainly hasn’t entirely replaced them with whatever its intended audience is now, what about Pamela’s recent traffic v. LGF?

The other thing is: these people (from Pamela Geller to Michelle Malkin to the Jeff Jarvis of old) have been nattering on and tearing at each other online for pretty much a decade now. Why haven’t they done anything to defeat their mortal enemies, the horrible Islamofascist menace? Why have they failed America’s security system? They’re pretty busy, is part of the problem. This summer brings Geller’s book, “The Post-American Presidency; The Obama Administration’s War on America.” What does she believe? This: “A Muslim population from Africa moving freely into Europe threatens America.” And: “[I]nternationalism is already destroying what has made Europe free and great. And now Mr. Obama seems to want to do the same to America.”