The End of the 00s: The Naughts: A Progression, by Regina Nigro

by The End of the 00s

2000: Read Atlas Shrugged; was insufferable.

2001: Crafted mopey journal entries; was insufferable.

2002: Derided third wave feminism in college newspaper editorial; was insufferable.

2003: Lay awake contemplating Being and Time; was insufferable.

2004: Wrote several “ask me any 5 questions and I’ll answer them!” MySpace bulletins; was insufferable.

2005: Used the word “postmodern” with no regard for context; was insufferable.

2006: Discovered blogging; was (really) insufferable.

2007: Broken heart; was insufferable.

2008: Fell in love; was insufferable.

2009: Thought about and wrote this list;

Regina Nigro is a writer and editor. She probably disagrees with that thing you just said.