New Zealand's Space Mission Is Adorable

cute overload!

In a quest to be EXACTLY the place where Jemaine, Bret, and Murray WOULD come from, New Zealand has managed to launch a wee little rocket just slightly beyond our atmosphere into a stratum of area that could technically be called space. It then triumphantly fell into the Pacific Ocean.

The sub-orbital vehicle was launched by a private company, Rocket Lab, and named The Atea-1, after the Maori word for space (I am racist because I am surprised that such a word exists). The owner of the company, Mark Rocket (yes, seriously) says: “It’s not trivial sending something into space. This is a huge technological leap for New Zealand.”

BECAUSE, you know, puking a rinky dink syringe-looking thing 63 miles above the Earth’s surface into sortaspace for “just the tip” is exactly the same as sending an entire space shuttle with seven astronauts to resupply the International Space Station and getting them back in time to catch some wicked-good Black Friday sales. USA!