New York City's Brave Future Looks Like the Past: Heterosexual White Gentiles Will Run This Town


“Insurgents think of things we didn’t think about or were too lazy to mull over much. They have the spirits of street fighters. But whether you like them personally doesn’t really matter. That economy that flattened dreams all over? It emboldened them,” says today’s Observer, delivering their end-of-year list of 56 or so hot young-ish people (under 40) making inroads in our various economies. Okay, well, here we are on the Internet, which is the department of petty complaints, so: While the economy may have emboldened these great people, it sure didn’t emblacken them. Of the 56 people included, there’s one Southeast-Asian-American, one lone black man, one African-born woman of Indian descent, one Indian-American guy, one Australian of Sri Lankan descent, one biracial Mexican-American and two gay dudes. Plus one lady that at least looks lady-loving but probably is not. That’s 90% white and 97% straight. (Though, to be fair, there are also two dude business partners who used to work for Scott Rudin on the list, so you know: let’s just put them down as questionable. Heh.) Also? Not very many Jews, which is actually the weirdest thing of all.