I Feel Bad About My President's Neck


You know what makes for a bad morning? It’s when you finally read one of those 9000-word HuffPo pieces that have been going around for a couple days, about how the President is whiffing, and how this healthcare bill is kind of bullshit and… you pretty much agree with it? I am not really feeling the love. I kind of want to go back in time and vote for Kucinich or maybe your mom. Anyway, when it comes to HuffPo, it helps if you: 1. Ignore any of the writer’s historical examples, because I actually don’t know anything about history and yet his simmering reduction of the past is suspicious to even me? And: 2. substitute any common word such as “said” or “expressed” every time the author (Drew Westen) uses “messaging.” 3. Also, it really wouldn’t take an editor longer than 8 minutes to cut 500 words, consider springing for that Arianna. (❤ you, whatevs!) Oh and 4. This essay is a total cheat because it’s about “perceptions” and he has no idea what is going on in the White House behind “clothes doors.” (Eighth-grade joke.) But other than that…. really, it looks like this healthcare bill is the worst Christmas present ever.