Have Your Say! Should We Murder Homosexuals?


Response and social desirability biases have actually made this BBC discussion poll interesting! It seems that if you start with the proposition that maybe homosexuals should be slaughtered, you’ll get a lot of people saying, “Um, NO?” and also some people saying, “Well, not slaughtered, but….” In this way, we can find out what people actually do think of the gays.

There’s a poet who lives in Canada, named Bob Ezergailis, who thinks that “The death sentence for repeated transmission of HIV to others has been a long time coming, and is a necessity not an option.” Awesome job on becoming a health policy expert, Bob.

There’s Mohammed Begum, who lives in Birmingham, who thinks that “Homosexuality is already punishable by death in several successful countries including Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan so why are we picking on Uganda?” Which… okay.

But if you want to get a better sense of what some people are thinking, you should actually read the comments on The Monitor, the independent (not state-owned) Ugandan newspaper, attached to an article headlined “Obama, Clinton reject Uganda’s gay Bill.”

Hoo doggie